"Everyday is a brand new start"

08 February 2017

Oh Morning Habits!

(Maaf, tulisan bercampur bahasa atas faktor pembacaan) 

Thinking of the kind of woman I want to be is really 'something'. I've listed my dreams tapi jarang terfikir nak jadi perempuan yang bagaimana. Just choose my role models and follow the flow. As simple as that.

Getting older—it's inevitable, makes me think a lot of things about life. As the saying goes, 

As you get older, you will understand more and more that it’s not about what you look life or what you own, it’s all about the person you’ve become.
2017 is the turning point, inshaAllah. It is the time to express my deepest thanks to Allah for how special He created me as a woman. Sebab tu jugalah, kalau anda tengok post saya starting from January 2017, I have written a lot about life, feeling, target etc. Saya sangat berharap tulisan saya menjadi peringatan untuk diri sendiri, move on, berusaha gigih dan (be+think) lebih baik di sisi Allah. 

Saya share di sini supaya dapat sama-sama menjadi booster, inshaAllah. Whenever we feel stuck and unmotivated, the following writing is what we come back to. Ok, starting with morning time. Below I've listed a few of morning habits that I read from some blogs and I combined those habits with my experiences, bismillah.

1) Tahajjud + Quran + Dua 

There is no better way to start our morning than making dua and praying to Allah at tahajjud. The beauty of tahajjud is that we can wake up just 20 – 30 minutes before fajr and squeeze in a heartfelt dua and sunnah prayers/recitation. Masa ni lah the feeling of praying really different. The silence presents will revitalise our senses and gives us the special feeling of bonding between us and Allah.

Time ni kalau nak nangis boleh nangis puas-puas, nak merengek dan borak lama-lama dengan Allah, yes do it jangan malu. Please jujur je dengan Allah because He knows everything. Tapi, we have to struggle for this. It takes preparation especially for qiyamullail, such as sleeping early, a lot of patience and perseverance to keep on doing it until it has become a habit.

Practice dan niat hari-hari untuk bangun qiyam, solat subuh awal, baca quran etc. Nak barakah sepanjang hari kena mulakan dengan amalan yang besar keberkahannya. Please jangan miss baca Quran. Moga Allah pilih kita untuk husnul khotimah, amin.

2) Sip On Warm Lemon Water+Honey+Ginger

Oh, yang ni saya baru nak start this year. Come on lah, dah semakin berusia kan. Penat lah, lenguh lah, dehydrated lah. Yup, saya ni coffee lover. Kalau satu hari tak minum coffee that's not me. Kononnya untuk cover balik, jadi saya amalkan a cup of warm lemon water+ginger+honey every morning selepas minum air kosong. First time minum pun saya dah jatuh cinta. 

On top of the list of benefits of ginger lemon water is its ability to strengthen our immunity. This is due to the presence of high levels of anti-oxidants in ginger. Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C which can heal wounds and preserve the strength of bones and teeth. 
If you feel tensed or worn out, the drink can also be an effective stress reliever. The strong aroma, spicy and refreshing taste and calming effects provide you relief and relaxation of your body and mind.

Tak tahulah addicted ke apa, tapi saya pun dah jadi green tea lover kalau rasa lesu (Sorry coffee). It does wonders for my body and sets me up feeling fresh, light and energized. Memang lah pahit, try lah perah lemon atau letak madu. Sedap!

3) Consume Positive Content  

Don't start our day with gossip, hiburan etc. Start for what can improve ourself better. Alhamdulillah, I enjoy reading articles related to health, woman, happiness and life. Tak kisahlah kat blog ke, FB, instagram dan lain-lain. I LOVE this time to myself… I don’t feel like I’ve started my day until I’ve read through inspirational content. It sets our mind up for a powerful and positive day. 

The beautiful part is that by reading or listening to inspirational, informative content each morning, I’m reminded of things that are important to me. Kadang-kadang saya suka juga bawa ke mana-mana journal saya as a reminder bahawa ada benda yang saya nak capai dalam hidup ini. And also as a bestfriend waktu sorang-sorang saya suka baca dan menulis. Dah jadi habit sejak kecil.

4) Write In A Journal

Take a few moments – either in writing or thoughts to practice thanking Allah. Haa, ni lah part tulis journal bukan yang atas ni. For me, tulis journal is how to express my appreciation and gratitude to Allah based on what I have go through in my life. Every woman needs a beautiful, inspiring planner or journal. Belilah yang sweet dan cantik kita pandang, for sure kita akan rasa sayang lebih kat dia. 

Alhamdulillah, bestfriend bagi hadiah journal cantik. How lovely!

We can write everything, anggaplah journal tu surat cinta untuk Allah baca. Hak ekslusif Allah ialah Dia menjadi prioriti kita melebihi segalanya. Termasuk luahan perasaan sedih, gembira, cinta, kecewa, syukur, azam, misi visi and anything. Then rasa nak meluah pada manusia mesti hilang entah ke mana. 

5) Lovely Dhuha Prayer

If you ever wake up feeling in a state of lack or sad, start thanking Allah for all your blessings by dhuha prayer. Say that you accept and love yourself. InshaAllah, hati akan rasa lebih tenang. Bersujudlah dengan penuh rasa syukur pada Allah yang masih menghidupkan kita di hari baru. Gratitude will only increase the happiness and abundance that awaits you. 

Jika ada hajat yang kita mahukan on that day, just pray to Allah. Kembalikan pada Allah. The feeling of surrender or tawakkal is, subhanallah!

6) Make a to-do list

It doesn’t matter if you’re stay at home or student with a schedule that rarely changes. It doesn’t matter if your days are mostly blank and you don’t have much to schedule. Every woman needs a planner. You’ll feel so much lighter by jotting down all the tasks that you need to complete instead of weighing it on your mind. Even if it’s basic routine-based tasks – write it down.

Even basuh baju, lipat baju, minum green tea, work out, tak perlu malu untuk menulis. For me, writing down what I should do will free my mind. When we write tasks down, we will take it more seriously. Our eyes and mind will focus on the job. I do see my tasks finish very well by writing to-do list, alhamdulillah.

In conclusion, the first step is always the hardest. Jangan termenung lama sangat. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi habit. Jangan lupa untuk senyum. Smile to yourself is never going crazy. Selain sedekah, awet muda kut!

Back to think the kind of woman I want to be, I want to be the best version of myself. The best I could be, as a servant of Allah. I love myself very much. Alhamdulillah.

Ok. That's all.




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Siti Zulaikha binti Mokhtar. Shaklee Dustributor.

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